Useful resource for Ph.D students
Welcome to grad school! Whether you are a fresh or end-of-the-path Ph.D, this page is very useful. MS student also get benefit. (Migrated from my google site.)
Tips and Advises
- 11 steps to structuring a science paper editors will take seriously - Angel Borja, PhD.
- Belinda Thom’s advice - Associate Professor in the Computer Science Department at Harvey Mudd College.
- Computer Science Student Resources - by Dr. William Stallings, Ph.D from MIT, author of Operating System book, a various useful resources for CS students.
- Tips from Professor Jennifer Widom, Infolab, CS Department, Stanford University
- Advice from Professor Michael Ernst, CS Department, University of Washington
- Tips and advice from Matthew Might, Assistant Professor in , School of Computing, University of Utah
- Advice for Research Students, Associate Professor Jason Eisner, Machine Learning group, Department of CS, Johns Hopkins University.
- Advices from Professor David Evans, Computer Science, University of Virginia (link to ton of other advice from this website).
- Graduate school survival guide - Ronald T. Azuma, Ph.D
- Oral Presentation Advice - Professor Mark D. Hill, CS Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- M.J. Hanson. Efficient Reading of Papers in Science and Technology, 1989
- Research Career Advice, Computer Science Dept., University of Texas at Austin - Links to many useful advice for CS students.
- Advice from Dr. Vasant Honavar, Dept. CS, Iowa State University - A lot of useful advice, recommend books, career, humors.
- Conference vs Journal in CS, by Michael Ernst.
- How to read a paper - Prof. Margo Seltzer, Harvard University
- How to do a great research (website)
- Vivik Handar blog - Tips and advice for CS PhD student
- The Grad Student Way - (Best career resource for PhDs award) A quality blog about tips for grad student, especially Ph.D guys want to join the industry
- Ergotron - Setup your desk correctly
- FindAPhd - General guide, good articles, good when doing a PHD or even after that
- PublishingCampus - Elsevier Training. Advice. Live Discussion. Networks
- Writing Center of University of Wisconsin-Madison - Very useful website, giving tips not only for research paper but also CV, grant proposals, technical report, etc.
Where to publish
Journals in Database System
- Sigmod Record
- TKDE - IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
- TODS - ACM Transactions on Database System
- IEEE Transactions on Computers monthly
- IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering SCI (IF: 2.476) monthly
- Journal of the ACM (IF: 1.8)
- Information Sciences SCI (IF: 3.364 in 2016) Review speed: 10.7 weeks - 18.9 weeks (2015)
- Data and Knowledge Engineering (DAK). SCI (IF: 1.5 ) Review speed:
- ISR - Information Systems Research (Quaterly)
- IS - Information Systems, SCI (IF: 1.832 in 2016) Review speed: 12.9 weeks - 20.2 weeks (2015)
- Future Generation Computer Systems - SCI (IF: 2.43) Review speed: 11.3 weeks - 17.6 weeks (2016)
- IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems SCI (IF: 2.6)
- Information Systems Journal SCI (IF: 2.52) bimonthly
- Information Systems and Applications (IF: 1.7) 71 days
- Journal of Systems Architecture
- Journal of Systems and Software
- Sementic Web Journal (IF: 1.78)
- Journal of Computer and System Science SCI (IF: 1.583) Review speed: 8.4 ~ 15 weeks (2016)
- Big Data Research Quarterly ISSN: 2214-5796
Conferences in Database System
1st Tier
- VLDB - Very Large Data Base
- ACM SIGMOD - International Conference on Management of Data
- IEEE ICDE - International Conference on Data Engineering
- PODS - Symposium on Principles of Database Systems
- CIDR - Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research
- EDBT - The International Conference on Extending Database Technology (Based In Euro)
- ADBIS - International Conf. on Advances in Databases and Information Systems (Based in Euro)
- CIKM - International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management
- FAST- USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies
- USENIX Anual Technical Conference
- UIC Ubiquitous Intelligent and Computing Intl. Conference (Multi-streamed SSD submit)
2nd Tier
- Computer Science and its Applications (CSA)
- EDB - Emerging Databases
- DASFAA: Database Systems for Advanced Applications (based in Asia)
- SSD: Intl Symp on Large Spatial Databases
- CIKM: Intl. Conf on Information and Knowledge Management
- CLOSER - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
DB Academic Network
- Professor Sang-Won Lee - VLDB lab, SKKU, Korea (my Ph.D advisor)
- Professor Wook-Shin Han - DB lab, POSTECH, Korea (my MS. advisor)
- Professor Michael Stonebraker - MIT CS and AI lab, Pioneer in DB field.
- Professor Jennifer Widom - Department Chair, Computer Science, Stanford University
- Professor Eamonn Keogh - Computer Science and Engineering Department, University of California - Riverside. Time series DB.
- Professor Raghu Ramakrishman - University of Wisconsin-Madison (until 2012), Technical Fellow and CTO at Microsoft (Information Services), head of Cloud and Information Services Lab (CISL)
- Dr. Jim Gray, researcher and manager of Microsoft Research’s eScience group. ACM Turing award for his work on transaction processing.
- MIT Database group
- Stanford University InfoLab
- UC Berkeley Database Group
- Indiana Database Group
- Tehran University database group
- Non-Volatile System Lab
- Microsoft Academic Journals ranking in Database
- Microsoft Academic Conference ranking in Database
- Latest Impact Factors from Elsevier Computer Science journals
- CS Conference ranking from Department of Computer Science, University of Alberta
Citation Management
- Mendeley: cross-platform cite management application. Get your papers organized (my favorite)
- Ennote: commercial alternative to Mendeley
- Zotero: free cross-platform alternative to Mendeley.
- Google Scholar - Useful when searching for a research paper, citation. (my favorite)
- Google Searching Quick References PDF
- Power searching with google
- Naver: search, EN/KO dict, map - Useful when you are living in South Korea
Writing Tools
- Latex - strongly prefered for CS and Math related fields.
- MS-word - universal text editor. You will not want to use this app after you get to know Latex.
- Grammarly - Useful at the last stage of writing paper. (my favorite)
- Thesaurus dictionary
- Oxford Learner Dictionary
- Cambridge Dictionaries Online
Note taking
- Evernote - powerful free-to-use note taking applicaiton
- Google docs - alternative to MS Word, free and cross-platform.
- PhD commic - relax after your work. You could view its adapted movies.